About Whitney

Whitney has been teaching photography classes and photographing families for over 7 years. She loves the aha moments and helping to make the pieces fall into place. She currently resides in the PNW with her husband and 2 kids.

I'm ready to learn!

Kind Words

"Watching Whitney’s intro to photography course felt like she was in my living room with me guiding me through my camera like the newcomer I am (despite owning it for 5+ years) I watched all the videos straight through and I’m looking forward to going back and rewatching with camera in hand to pause and practice. I was immediately able to use a few of the tips to improve my iPhone photography too!" - Anne Birkett

"Whitney does a great job simpliflying manual mode. ISO, aperture, and shutter speed can be VERY complicated. I found the videos along with a written description easy to follow along. I also really like how Whitney breaks things down into smaller chapters. If I have trouble with ISO, I can now easily find the chapter on it without having to skip ahead or try to remember where it was discussed in the class. Whitney also demonstrates different techniques in a studio setting and outdoors. This was very helpful for me because my passion is outdoor photography and you have to work with the elements not against them. Whitney explained her methods in a straightforward approach that made me excited to get out there and try them out for myself!" Carrie Kedish